Great software
for great people

Mọi công ty thông minh xứng đáng với những công cụ thông minh.

Bắt đầu ngay

Improve your efficiency

It's not that easy to be efficient if we don't have the correct tools than we need. Can you imagine Batman saving Gotham City without his bat-tools?

There is no magic, it's time to get the tools you deserve.

Tìm hiểu thêm

Built to
your effigy

You will always find the ideal choice adapted to your needs. From the basic website based on our attractive templates to the tailor-made website reflecting your company's values.

Có thể chỉnh sửa từ
A đến Z

Feel free to edit your content the way like you want. You don't need to know any technical and complex computer language. You will helped by our intuitive tools.

Mọi dữ liệu
nằm trong tay bạn

Don't miss any data anymore and get all reports you need when and where you want. Analyze them easily with our friendly interface and grow your activity.

Đoạn mã động của bạn sẽ được hiển thị ở đây... Thông báo này được hiển thị vì bạn không cung cấp cả bộ lọc và mẫu để sử dụng.

Tại sao Odoo là ERP phù hợp? 


With extensive customization and localization capabilities, Odoo can be tailored to suit all business environments and industries effectively.


Odoo is a robust system designed to mitigate potential security vulnerabilities effectively.


Efficiently store and manage all data within a unified system or seamlessly integrate with other business applications in use.


Businesses are only charged for the features they actively use. Odoo's modular system incurs fees solely for the selected business applications for deployment.